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Dr. Max Chacón


Doctor en Ciencias de la Ingeniería biomédica Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro, 1996. Brasil


-Models of cerebral hemodynamics to detect Parkinson's Disease and Multiple System Atrophy CONICYT Chile FONDECYT Nº 1181659. 2018-2020. Extendido 2022 por pandemia. Investigador Responsable

-Evaluación de los métodos de medida de la autorregulación sanguínea cerebral en el estudio del acoplamiento neurovascular. DICYT, USACH, Proyecto DICYT Nº 061419CHP, 2017. Investigador Responsable

-Estudio de la influencia de estímulos musicales con contenido emocional en el sistema de hemodinámica cerebral                DICYT, USACH, Proyecto DICYT Nº 061719CHP. 2014-2016. Investigador Responsable

-Modelos no lineales basados en SVM para la obtención de índices de autorregulación y reactividad cerebro-vascular           DICYT, USACH, Proyecto DICYT Nº 061119CP . 2011-2013. Investigador Responsable

Últimas Publicaciones: 

Parra F, González ,J, Chacón M, Marín M.,    2023,      Modeling and Evaluation of the Susceptibility to Landslide Events Using Machine Learning Algorithms in the Province of Chañaral, Atacama Region, Chile Sustainability. 2071-1050      doi: 10.3390/e24030428.

Chacón, M; Rojas-Pescio, H.; Sergio Peñaloza, S,; and Landerretche, J., 2022,     Machine Learning Models and Statistical Complexity to Analyze the Effects of Posture on Cerebral Hemodynamics   Entropy 1099-4300 doi: 10.3390/e24030428.

Medina L, Araya J,. Garay S., Rojas C., Duran-Aniotz C. Palacios A., Chacón M., 2022, Multiscale Entropy Analysis of Retinal Signals Reveals Reduced Complexity in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease Scientifics Reports, 2045-2322. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-12208-2.

Astudillo G.; Raúl Carrasco R.; Fernández-Campusano C.; Chacón M., 2021, Copper Price Prediction Using Support Vector Regression Technique           Applied Sciences Basel, 2076-3417

Araya J.; Bello F.; Shivashankar G.; Neira D:; Durán-Aniotz C.; Acosta ML.; Escobar MJ.; Hetz C.; Chacón M, Palacios AG., 2021, Retinal ganglion cells functional changes in a mouse model of alzheimer’s disease are linked with neurotransmitter alterations.           Journal of Alzheimers Disease, 1387-2877    doi: 10.3233/JAD-201195.

Cavieres R.; Landerretche J.; Jara J.; Chacón M., 2021, Analysis of cerebral blood flow entropy when listening music with emotional content Physiological Measurement, 0967-3334. doi: 10.1088/1361-6579/abf885

Jara J.L,; Morales-Rojas C.; Fernández-Muñoz J.; Haunton V.J.; and Chacón M., 2021,       Using complexity-entropy planes to detect Parkinson's disease from short segments of haemodynamic signals Physiological Measurement, 0967-3334 doi: 10.1088/1361-6579/ac13ce.

Bello-Robles F.A; Panerai R.B; Katsogridakis E.; Chacón M., 2021, Superior fitting of arterial resistance and compliance parameters with genetic algorithms in models of dynamic cerebral autoregulation.  IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 0018-9294 doi: 10.1109/TBME.2021.3100288.

Elting JW; Sanders ML; Ronney B. Panerai; Marcel Aries; Edson BorSeng-Shu; Alexander Caicedo; Max Chacon; Erik D. Gommer; Sabine Van Huffel; Jose L. Jara; Kyriaki Kostoglou; Adam Mahdi; Vasilis Z. Marmarelis; Georgios D. Mitsis; Martin Muller; Dragana Nikolic; Ricardo C. Nogueira; Stephen J. Payne; Corina Puppo; Dae C. Shin; David M. Simpson; Takashi Taru, 2020, Assessment of dynamic cerebral autoregulation in humans: Is reproducibility dependent on blood pressure variability? PLoS One 1932-6203             doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0227651

Eugenin J; Beltrán-Castillo S; Olivares MJ; Ochoa M; Barría J; Chacón M; von Bernhardim R, 2020, D-serine regulation of the timing and architecture of the inspiratory burst in neonatal mice       Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Proteins adn Proteomics, 1570-9639. doi: 10.1016/j.bbapap.2020.140484

Araya J; Palacios A; Durán-Aniotz C; Escobar MJ; Acosta M; Chacón M; Neira D; Shivashankar G; Bello F. 2020, Changes in the Physiological Activity and the Expression of Neurotransmitters in the Retinal Ganglion Cells from 5xFAD Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse Model Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 0146-0404.

Sanders, ML; Elting, JWJ; Panerai, RB; Aries, M; Bor-Seng-Shu, E; Caicedo, A; Chacon, M; Gommers, ED; Van Huffel, S; Jara, JL; Kostoglou, K; Mandi, A; Marmarelis, VZ; Mitsis, GD; Muller, M; Nikolic, D; Nogueira, RC; Payne, SJ; Puppo, C; Shin, DC ; Simpson, DM; Tarumi, T; Yelicich, B; Zhangs, R; Claassen, JAHR,            2019, Dynamic Cerebral Autoregulation Reproducibility Is Affected by Physiological Variability Frontiers in Physiology, 1664-042X. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.00865