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Dr. Jaime Eugenín


Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas mención Ciencias Fisiológicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 1991, Chile. Postdoctorado, Dept. Pharmakologie, Biozentrum der Universität Basel, 1992-1995, Suiza. Postdoctorado, Dept. of Physiology, University of Utah School of Medicine, 1989-1992, EE UU de NA.

Lineas de Investigación: 

Fisiología sensorial. Bases celulares y moleculares de enfermedades del sistema nervioso.  Otras Líneas de investigación desarrolladas por el académico: Neurociencias, control neural respiratorio en neonatos, síndrome de Muerte Súbita del Lactante, quimiorrecepción, gliotransmisión.


-The impact of age-associated changes in TGFbeta signalling on neuron-microglia interaction and its implication for neurodegenerative diseases. Fondecyt 1221028. 2022-2026. Co-investigador

-ATP and D-serine interplay in breathing regulation, key players in health and disease. Fondecyt Regular 1211359. 2021-2025. Investigador responsable

-Interacción de D-serina y ATP astrocitarios en la respuesta respiratoria a la hipercapnia 021843EL-postdoc DICYT-USACH. 2018. Investigador responsable

-Microglia as a new player in the chemosensory control of breathing in health and disease Fondecyt Regular 1171434. 2017-2021. Investigador responsable

-Age-related changes in the regulation of neuroinflammation: Relevance in neurodegenerative processes Fondecyt 1171645. 2017-2021 Co-investigador

-Neuron-glia interaction in central chemoreception and prenatal nicotine exposure: looking for pathogenic mechanisms linking maternal cigarette smoking with Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Fondecyt. Regular 1130874. 2013-2017. Investigador responsable

-Participation of Scavenger Receptor A in the inflammatory activation of glial cells: a potential target for therapeutic intervention in Alzheimer’s disease Fondecyt 1131025. 2013-2017. Co-investigador

-Prenatal nicotine and serotonergic drive of the neonatal respiratory rhythm: a probable link to sudden infant death syndrome. Fondecyt 1090375. 2009-2013 Investigador responsable

-Impairment of pro- and anti-inflammatory signaling mediates glial dysfunction and promotes development of Alzheimer disease Fondecyt 1090353. 2009-2013 Co-investigador

Últimas Publicaciones: 

-EUGENÍN J, EUGENÍN-VON BERNHARDI L, VON BERNHARDI R, 2023    Age-dependent changes on fractalkine forms and their contribution to neurodegenerative diseases.  Frontiers in Molecular Neurosciente, 1662-5099

-BRAVO K, GONZÁLEZ-ORTIZ M, BELTRÁN-CASTILLO S, CÁCERES D, EUGENÍN J, 2023 Development of the placenta and brain are affected by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors exposure during critical periods. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 0065-2598    doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-32554-0_8

-OCHOA M, CÁCERES D, GONZÁLEZ-ORTIZ M, BRAVO K, EUGENÍN J., 2023, The endocannabinoid system in placenta and respiratory central nervous system development: effects of prenatal exposure to cannabinoids. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 0065-2598. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-32554-0_9

-BELTRAN-CASTILLO, BRAVO K, EUGENÍN J, 2023, Impact of prenatal nicotine exposure on placental function and respiratory neural network development. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 0065-2598. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-32554-0_10.

-OLIVARES MJ, FLORES A, VON BERNHARDI R, EUGENÍN J., 2021. Astrocytic contribution to glutamate-related central respiratory chemoreception in vertebrates.                  Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, 1569-9048   doi: 10.1016/j.resp.2021.103744

-BELTRÁN-CASTILLO S, OLIVARES MJ, OCHOA M, BARRÍA J, CHACÓN M, VON BERNHARDI R, EUGENÍN J.    2020, D-serine regulation of the timing and architecture of the inspiratory burst in neonatal mice. Biochim Biophys Acta Proteins Proteom, 1570-9639. doi: 10.1016/j.bbapap.2020.140484

-BELTRÁN-CASTILLO S, TRIVIÑO JJ, EUGENÍN J, VON BERNHARDI R.  2020, TGFβ1-Smad3 signaling mediates the formation of a stable serine racemase dimer in microglia                  Biochim Biophys Acta Proteins Proteom, 1570-9639. doi: 10.1016/j.bbapap.2020.140447

-EUGENIN J, LARRAÍN C, ZAPATA P, 2020, Plasticity of cardiovascular chemoreflexes after prolonged unilateral carotid body denervation: implications for its therapeutic use. America Journal of Physiology Heart and Circulatory Physiology , 0363-6135. doi: 10.1152/ajpheart.00451.2019