Se encuentra usted aquí

Dra. Georgina Renard


Bióloga, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba 

Doctora en Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Lineas de Investigación: 

Nuestro laboratorio estudia la neurobiología de conductas adictivas. Específicamente, nuestra investigación se centra en entender el papel de los neuropéptidos vasopresina y oxitocina en la regulación de conductas tipo adictivas (actividad locomotora, CPP) y cómo estos neuropéptidos pueden estar relacionados con las diferencias sexuales encontradas en este tipo de conductas. Además, también estamos interesados en estudiar como las drogas de abuso, en particular psicoestimulantes, alteran estos sistemas y en consecuencia conductas sociales. Para nuestra aproximación experimental Utilizamos una combinación de técnicas conductuales, moleculares, bioquímicas y farmacológicas para abordar nuestras preguntas de investigación.


·       2010-2013.- FONDECYT Postdoctorado 3110050. “Rol del septum lateral y de los receptores crh- r2 en la ansiogénesis producida por la abstinencia a cocaína”.  Rol: Investigador responsable.

·       2014-2017- FONDECYT Iniciación 11160065 “Role of the vasopressinergic projections from the extended amygdala to the lateral septum in sex differences of addictive-like behaviors”. . Rol: Investigador Principal.

·       2019-2020 DICYT “Apoyo a la Investigación Clínica” 021901R_MED. “Efectos del tratamiento crónico con modafinilo en adolescencia sobre la conducta motora y actividad dopaminérgica”. 0. Rol: Investigador Principal

·       2020-2023 FONDECYT Regular N° 120-0474 : “Role of the lateral septum in hedonic regulation of food intake: implications in obesity and food addiction”. Rol: Co- Investigador.

·       2021-2024 DICYT N° 022101RSSA “Role of vasopressin in the hippocampus in sex differences of addictive-like behaviors”. Fuente de financiamiento: VIDREI – Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Año de adjudicación: 2021.Tipo de Investigación: Básica. Investigador responsable.

·       2023-2027 FONDECYT Regular : “Role of DNIC in a rat model of fibromyalgia induced by neonatal stress: neurotransmitters and glial modulation in the SDR and epigenetic influences”. Rol: Co- Investigador.

·       2022-2024 DICYT regular. “Generación y evaluación de nuevas matrices tridimensionales basadas en la descelularización tisular para su aplicación en protocolos de ingeniería de tejidos”. Co-Investigador.

Últimas Publicaciones: 

·       Cid-Jofré V., Moreno M., Sotomayor-Zárate R., Cruz G., Renard GM. Modafinil Administration to Preadolescent Rat Impairs Non‐Selective Attention, Frontal Cortex D2 Expression and Mesolimbic GABA Levels. Int J Mol Sci. 2022; 23:6602. 


·       Elgueta-Reyes, M.; Velásquez, V.B.; Espinosa, P.; Riquelme, R.; Dib, T.; Sanguinetti, N.K.; Escobar, A.P.; Martínez-Pinto, J.; Renard, G.M.; Sotomayor-Zárate, R. Effects of Early Life Exposure to Sex Hormones on Neurochemical andBehavioral Responses to Psychostimulants in Adulthood: Implications in Drug Addiction. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 6575. https://


·       Cid-Jofré V., Moreno M., Reyes-Parada M., Renard GM. Role of Oxytocin and Vasopressin in Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Therapeutic Potential of Agonists and Antagonists. Int J Mol Sci. 2021; 22(21):12077.


·       Elgueta-Reyes M., Martínez-Pinto J., Renard GM., Sotomayor-Zárate R. Neonatal programming with sex hormones: Effect on expression of dopamine D 1 receptor and neurotransmitters release in nucleus accumbens in adult male and female rats. European Journal of Pharmacology. 2021; 902:174118.


·       Cid-Jofré V., Gárate-Pérez M., Clark P.J., Valero-Jara V., España RA., Sotomayor-Zárate R., Cruz G., Renard GM. Chronic modafinil administration to preadolescent rats impairs social play behavior and dopaminergic system. Neuropharmacology, 2021 Feb 1;183:108404.


·       Gárate-Pérez M., Méndez A., Bahamondes C., Sanhueza C., Guzmán F., Reyes-Parada M., Sotomayor-Zárate R., Renard GM. Vasopressin in the lateral septum decreases conditioned place preference to amphetamine and nucleus accumbens dopamine release. Addiction Biology. 2019-2021; 26(1):e12851.


·       Velásquez VB, Zamorano GA, Martínez-Pinto J, Bonansco C, Jara P, Torres GE, Renard GM, Sotomayor-Zárate R. “Programming of dopaminergic neurons by early exposure to sex hormones: Effects of morphine on Accumbens dopamine release and addictive like behaviors in adult male and female rats”. Frontiers in Pharmacology, Section Neuropharmacology. Mar 26, 2019.


·       Godino A, Renard GM. “Effects of alcohol and psychostimulants on vasopressinergic system: behavioral implications”. Review. J Neuroendocrinol. May 26:e12611. 2018.


·       Ahumada C, Bahamondes C, Cerda C, Silva RA, Cruz G, Moya PR, Sotomayor-Zárate R, Renard GM. “Amphetamine treatment affects the extra-hypothalamic vasopressinergic system in a sex- and nucleus-dependent manner”. J Neuroendocrinol. Apr; 29(4). 2017.


·       Espinosa P, Silva RA, Riquelme R, González LF, Sanguinetti NK, Venegas F, Cruz G, Renard GM, Moya PR, Sotomayor-Zárate R. “Programming of dopaminergic neurons by neonatal sex hormone exposure: Effects on dopamine content and tyrosine hydroxylase expression in adult male rats”. Neural Plasticity Neural Plasticity, vol. 2016, Article ID 4569785, 11 pages, 2016.


·       Bustos G, Renard GM, Noriega V, Sotomayor-Zárate R. "How and when Chilean Pharmacology started to be experimental and became a science". Pharmacol Res. Nov;101:2-8. 2015.


·       Sotomayor-Zárate R, Abarca J, Araya KA, Renard GM, Andrés ME, Gysling K. “Exposure to repeated immobilization stress inhibits cocaine-induced increase in dopamine extracellular levels in the rat ventral tegmental area”. Pharmacol Res. Nov;101:116-23. 2015.


·       Sotomayor-Zarate R, Cruz G, Renard GM, Espinosa P, Ramirez VD. "Sex hormones and brain dopamine functions”. Cent Nerv Syst Agents Med Chem.;14(2):62-71. 2014.


·       Renard GM, Sotomayor-Zarate R, Blanco EH, Gysling K. “Amphetamine withdrawal decreases K+-induced dopamine release in the rat lateral septum”. Journal of Neuroscience Research. 92(7):937-43. 2014.


·       Cruz G, Riquelme R, Espinosa P, Jara P, Dagnino-Subiabre A, Renard GM, Sotomayor-Zárate R. “Neonatal exposure to estradiol valerate increases dopamine content in nigrostriatal pathway during adulthood in the rat”. Hormone and Metabolic Research 46(5):322-7. 2014.


·       Sotomayor-Zárate R, Jara P, Araos P, Vinet R, Quiroz G, Renard GM, Espinosa P, Hurtado-Guzmán C, Moya PR, Iturriaga-Vásquez P, Gysling K, Reyes-Parada M. “Improving amphetamine therapeutic selectivity: N,N-dimethyl-MTA has dopaminergic effects and does not produce aortic contraction”. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology. 114(5): 395-399. 2014.


·       Sotomayor-Zárate R*, Renard GM*, Araya KA, Carreño P, Fuentealba JA, Andrés MA, Gysling K. “Long-term loss of dopamine release mediated by CRF-1 receptors in the rat lateral septum after repeated cocaine administration”. Behavioural Brain Research. 250:206-210. 2013. * Both authors contributed equally to this paper.


·       Renard GM, Rivarola MA, Suárez MM. “Gender-dependent effects of early maternal separation and variable chronic stress on vasopressinergic activity and glucocorticoid receptor expression in adult rats”. Developmental Neuroscience. 32: 71 – 80. 2010.


·       Renard GM, Rivarola MA, Suárez MM. “Sexual dimorphism in rats: effects of early maternal separation and variable chronic stress on pituitary adrenal axis and behavior”. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. 25: 373-379. 2007.


·       Renard GM, Suárez MM, Levin GM, Rivarola MA. “Sex differences in rats: effects of chronic stress on sympathetic system and anxiety”. Phisiology & Behavior. 85: 363-369.2005.


·       Godino A, Renard GM (2018) Effects of alcohol and psychostimulants on vasopressinergic system: behavioral implications.  J Neuroendocrinol. 26:e12611. Review.


·       Ahumada C, Bahamondes C, Cerda C, Silva RA, Cruz G, Moya PR, Sotomayor-Zárate R, Renard GM (2017) Amphetamine treatment affects the extra-hypothalamic vasopressinergic system in a sex- and nucleus-dependent manner – J Neuroendocrinol. 29(4).


·       Espinosa P, Silva RA, Riquelme R, González LF, Sanguinetti NK, Venegas F, Cruz G, Renard GM, Moya PR, Sotomayor-Zárate R (2016) Programming of dopaminergic neurons by neonatal sex hormone exposure: Effects on dopamine content and tyrosine hydroxylase expression in adult male rats. Neural Plasticity Neural Plasticity.


·       Bustos G, Renard GM, Noriega V, Sotomayor-Zárate R (2015) How and when Chilean Pharmacology started to be experimental and became a science. Pharmacol Res.101:2-8.


·       Sotomayor-Zárate R, Abarca J, Araya KA, Renard GM, Andrés ME, Gysling K (2015) Exposure to repeated immobilization stress inhibits cocaine-induced increase in dopamine extracellular levels in the rat ventral tegmental area. Pharmacol Res. 101:116-23.


·       Sotomayor-Zarate R, Cruz G, Renard GM, Espinosa P, Ramirez VD (2014) Sex hormones and brain dopamine functions. Cent Nerv Syst Agents Med Chem.;14(2):62-71.


·       Renard GM, Sotomayor-Zarate R, Blanco EH, Gysling K (2014) Amphetamine withdrawal decreases K+-induced dopamine release in the rat lateral septum. Journal of Neuroscience Research - 92(7):937-43.


·       Rivarola MA, Renard GM (2014) What we know about the long-term consequences of early maternal separation and neuroendocrine response to stress. Revista de Farmacología de Chile – 7 (1): 17-25 Review.


·       Silva R, Espinosa P, Riquelme R, Sanguinetti N, González L, Cruz G, Renard GM, Sotomayor-Zárate R (2014) Rol de las hormonassexuales sobre circuitos dopaminérgicos cerebrales. Revista de Farmacología de Chile. 7 (1): 7-16  Review.


·       Rruz G., Riquelme R, Espinosa P, Jara P, Dagnino-Subiabre A, Renard GM, Sotomayor-Zárate R (2014) Neonatal exposure to estradiol valerate increases dopamine content in nigrostriatal pathway during adulthood in the rat. Hormone and Metabolic Research  46(5):322-7.


·       Sotomayor-Zárate R, Jara P, Araos P, Vinet R, Quiroz G, Renard GM, Espinosa P, Hurtado-Guzmán C, Moya PR, Iturriaga-Vásquez P, Gysling K, Reyes-Parada M (2014) Improving amphetamine therapeutic selectivity: N,N-dimethyl-MTA has dopaminergic effects and does not produce aortic contraction. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology - 114(5): 395-399.


·       Sotomayor-Zárate R*, Renard GM*, Araya KA, Carreño P,  Fuentealba JA, Andrés ME, Gysling K (2013) Long-term loss of dopamine release mediated by CRF-1 receptors in the rat lateral septum after repeated cocaine administration. Behavioural Brain Research  250: 206-210.* Both authors contributed equally to this paper.


·       Renard GM, Rivarola MA, Suárez, MM (2010) Gender-dependent effects of early maternal separation and variable chronic stress on vasopressinergic activity and glucocorticoid receptor expression in adult rats. Developmental Neuroscience  32: 71 - 80.


·       Renard GM, Rivarola, MA, Suárez, MM (2007) Sexual dimorphism in rats: effects of early maternal separation and variable chronic stress on pituitary adrenal axis and behavior. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience  25: 373-379.


·       Renard GM, Suárez MM, Levin GM, Rivarola MA (2005) Sex differences in rats: effects of chronic stress on sympathetic system and anxiety.  Phisiology & Behavior  85: 363-369.